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Leisure Time Calcium Booster raises water hardness level while preventing foaming and equipment corrosion. Using this product to maintain proper hardness levels will help extend the life of your spa. Calcium Booster will optimize your total spa experience by keeping the water balanced. This product is compatible with chlorine, bromine, ozone, and biguanide sanitizers.



1 fl oz per 500 gallons raises calcium hardness 7 ppm.



  1. Determine amount of product to be added. The ideal hardness level is 150-400 ppm.
  2. Turn jets ON to circulate spa water.
  3. Pour required amount into the water.
  4. Run filter for 1 to 2 hours.
  5. Retest water to ensure proper level.
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 until proper level is obtained

Leisure Time Calcium Booster

$13.99 Regular Price
$11.89Sale Price

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