APi E-Z Pool is a unique multipurpose water enhancer that will effectively control algae, maintain water balance, inhibit stain and scale formations, and it will also oxidize, clarify, and condition pool water as well. It is compatible with traditional pool sanitizers inclduing chlorine, bromine, ozone, UV and salt chlorine generators.
E-Z Start Up:
- Test and Revive! Take a water sample to your authorized dealer for testing or use a reliable test kit or strip. Treat pool water with Revive! to remove phosphates, metals, debris, and to activate the No Algae Guarantee.
- Vacuum and balance. Once debris completely settles (typically 24 hours), vacuum pool bottom, thoroughly clean filter, then balance pool water. Calcium hardness minimum 350 ppm, pH 7.2 - 7.6, and total alkalinity 80 - 120 ppm.
- E-Z Day. At the beginning of each season, and for all new pools, a double-dose is required on the initial application to "charge" the water. Add E-Z Pool to the pool water according to the dosage chart, preferably near a return jet, and add sanitizer in accordance with product directions to skimmer, feeder or floater to maintain desired level. Chlorine Generators (salt): Add stabilizer to maintain 50 ppm and adjust generator setting accordingly.
Follow the dose per week column on the correct chart for your pool that is on the back of the container.
EZ Pool
$73.49 Regular Price
$62.47Sale Price