Taking care of spa water can be a difficult task for some. There are so many different chemicals and tasks that can become confusing over time. We are now offering new spa chemicals that are convenient and easy to use. EZ Spa is a water care program that combines simplicity and great water quality in a once-a-week application. This formula is specifically blended to manage spa water while eliminating the confusion of adding multiple chemicals every other day.
Ez Spa Total Care
Extends the life of fresh water while helping with TDS levels
Less need for filter cleaning
Likes high calcium levels (300+) - attaches to the calcium for longer oxidation life
No floater needed
Compatible with high levels of CYA
How does it work?
Total Care is simple to use. Its concentrated formula oxidizes contaminants, conditions and clarifies, inhibits scale and foam, and maintains water balance. After the initial water balance, add EZ Spa just once a week with E-Z Boost for clean, clear spa water.
When to use it?
This is great for first time spa owners or customers looking for a simpler alternative to bromine or chlorine. You should add 1 oz per 100 gallons as part of your weekly maintenance.
EZ Spa Start
Removes metals, phosphates, scaling carbonates and organic debris from fresh water
Works by making these organic materials heavier and easier for filters to grab
Treats water discoloration from fresh fills
Simple application and then quick filter rinse after 12 hours of circulation
Alternative to Leisure Time Metal Gon
How does it work?
When using at start-up, EZ Spa Start treats the source water by removing metals, phosphates, scaling carbonates and organic debris to keep the water clear and stain / scale free.
When to use it?
Use when you are filling your spa for the first time or doing a routine drain and fill. Use 1 oz per 100 gallons and let it circulate for 12 hours. Then remove the spa filters and give them a quick rinse.
EZ Spa Boost
Acts as a weekly sanitizer when used with EZ Spa Total Care
Can be used after heavy bather use
Alternative to Rendezvous Activate
How does it work?
This fast-dissolving granular formula sanitizes and disinfects spa water and is part of the EZ Spa once-a-week water care program.
When to use it?
This is great for new spa owners or customers who are looking to switch to a simpler weekly maintenance program. You can add this once a week along with EZ Total Care. You should also add a dose after having lots of people in your hot tub in order to keep the water sanitized. Use 1 oz per 100 gallons.
For more information you can visit: https://www.apiwater.com/ezres-lineup/residential-spa-products/ezspa