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Writer's picture: Gabby PuglieseGabby Pugliese

The pHin monitor is a smart water care product for pools and hot tubs. It is a water monitor that works with an app that measures your pool, hot tub or spa's temperature, sanitizer and pH levels. The monitor analyzes your water's data and creates recommendations based on the water's chemistry.

Enjoy Peace of Mind

The pHin app uses simple, color-coded discs to show you how healthy your water is. If the disc is blue, that means your water is perfectly balance and needs no chemical help. If it is orange, the water is safe, but action is needed. If the disc is red, the water is unsafe and action should be taken as quickly as possible.

Get Automatic Notifications

The pHin monitor alerts your iOS or Android phone when it is time to add chemicals to your water. The app tells you which chemicals to add, and how much. These instant notifications are helpful in keeping your pool water in check and not letting it get unbalanced.

Works with Leading Chemical Brands

The pHin also provides customized dosing instructions with leading chemical brands. It allows you to scan any supported chemical's barcode and the pHin app will calculate exactly how much you need to add to your water.

When you buy a pHin, you can enjoy a year of free monitoring. The monitoring subscription is $99 per year after the first year, and includes a 1 year product replacement extension with each renewal. When you buy a pHin, it comes with a smart monitor, WiFi bridge, calibration kit, free mobile app, 1-year monitoring subscription, and a 1-year replacement warranty. The monitoring service includes water history charts, accurate chemical dosing directions, alerts for when attention is needed, tests for total alkalinity, total hardness, and cyanuric acid monthly or as needed. It also includes shareable water data for in-person help or to order new chemicals at your favorite pool store.



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